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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by VMR

  1. VMR

    New IW class

    Didn't like the idea very much... :/ At least not on the zombie class, you got to add it to the warghoul class or something...
  2. The soldiers are not the ones who started this war, the government is. I bet it's all about the money anyways, so yeah, it is a pretty bullshit war.. Killing is killing, I think they will get the same punishment as anyone else that kills 8 people.
  3. Yeah... I also think you should change Dead Effort, or even remove it. It's way to OP, because it sometimes deals more dmg than the suit, so when you meet a behemoth, you can't live. You will die no matter what... meatrocket = 30% chance for a kill, because of the armor bug Explode on death = 30% chance And if you use them together, you can blast through their suit with the meatrocket, then you just have to die, and you will have a free kill... Way to OP IMO :/
  4. VMR

    New IW class

    I noticed ZS had this new feature that made the suiciding humans weak as zombies if they killed themselves or died randomly before a certain time has passed. Could you add that for IW aswell? I'm thinking, if you suicide before 3 minutes has passed, you can't play as the behemoth for the whole round... If you suicide and get the behemoth you get at least 5 kills, and it's really annoying when one good guy keeps doing it all the time. Ruins the game. Sweet =D
  5. VMR

    New IW class

    Just a suggestion for something I think would be a lot of fun Not hard to make, and I can't think of any bugs/glitches with it...
  6. Actually kinda cool :] 7/10 If I listened to Rock, I guess I would've given it a 8-9 or something
  7. VMR

    New IW class

    Who doesn't
  8. VMR

    New IW class

    And remove Experimental Overdrive. Atleast untill Egon Beamcannon is fixed somehow... Or just add another weapon to the Experimental Overdrive class..
  9. Suggestion for a human melee class for IW. 200 suit 80 HP no guns Run a little bit faster. Not very much though, just so that you're not forced to use speed all the time. I'm thinking the same speed as a bones without suit upgrade. Some melee weapon a little bit stronger than the knife. Master in the class could be to get a crowbar of death (the same as the behemoth) Loadout 1 could be just knife. nothing else, to keep the noobs from using it too much, would get really annoying for everyone else really (or easy kills for the zombies) Crazy bastard could be one of the achievements associated with the class upgrades. You could make a suit upgrade for the class, like 125% suit power and maybe faster melee attacks?
  10. cs_italy is made for spawncamping. Not joking at all, there's 1 spawn, and the undead all spawn at the same place. There's 2 ways to go, both are really long and straight. At the end of both, there's a place for humans to take cover, and a place where you can't be shot, where the medics can heal the wounded. It turned out to be a spawncamping fest every time I played it (3 rounds xD)
  11. Lol.
  12. Haunter <3 a littlebitta info? 1600x1024 Left monitorr 1280x800 right monitorrrr Whole screenshot is 2880x1024
  13. VMR


  14. VMR

    I prnounce it in Norwegian, something like Aywva... kind of...

  15. VMR


    Welcome to this wonderful community my friend!
  16. Having the ability to suicide is good, it should just be regulated, so you're not getting any advantages if you do it
  17. I think the behemoth should be powerful, but not as bugged as he is now.. He's really not powerfull or hard to kill at all, it's just the "armor bug" that kills everyone... If you become the behemoth at the beginning of the round, you basically get 6+ free kills that round. And I have a suggestion request to add the same "If you suicide or randomly die in the first 5 minutes you will be a weak zombie" thing, just that you can't be the behemoth for the rest of the round instead If it's not too hard.. :/
  18. Well, atleast he uses his mouth to form words. Not just screaming/breathing heavily into the mic...
  19. As far as I know, everyone thinks humans are OP. + howler, ofc xD Zombies should be overpowered, but not to the point where you can stand in the middle of the map and screm like a bitch and get loads of points for it.
  20. I like IW the way it is now :] Although there is a lot of things that needs to be fixed xD
  21. I got a +326 marksman headshot today :'] my best so far :]
  22. VMR


    Aahahaha xD Why did I have to miss this onee? xD Sounds like it was a lot of fun O.o
  23. 10000+ Bumping so that Deluvas can see this...! Humans should rarely win. Fuck balanced teams
  24. My list Check out what's up on L4G Check out the IRC Start spamming my steam friends Watch youtube videos (sxephil etc.) Download the video's he talked about (while downloading) Play gmod or bc2 watch the movie goto 'top' I can keep that cycle up for days. xP edutt: I do other stuff (Try to learn JS, fail, try to learn PHP, fail even harder, do homework, succeed (finally))
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