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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by NECROSSIN


    Day Z

    The End has begun Hackers with explosives actually
  2. Post your steam id. But be warned that experience will be reset too
  3. -> Rolling Thunder: Introducing the new Tank Superiority game mode
  4. And recorded more stuff:

  5. Started slowly making new small gamemode (bioshock inspired c:) http://steamcommunity.com/id/necrossin/screenshot/1155424134024714577/?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Reiska
    3. rui_troia


      Are you adding this to Mr.Green?

    4. rui_troia


      Are you adding this to Mr.Green?

  6. Recorded some shit from first hours:
  7. Just came back from "The Dark Knight Rises". That movie was sooooooooooo amazing.

    1. FishWithAHat


      Batman zombie boss for zs?

    2. mogadonskoda


      no he needs to fix comeback perk first :V

  8. Aaaaaand more stuff: Added new item type: Pickups. These are some useful or not items that can randomly appear across the map. Increased max rank to 70. Added Pack of planks tool (slot 2). Added 2 perks for Pack of planks. Added rare special zombies. Increased zombine's damage against cades. Increased amount of sales in SkillShop. Comeback now gives you random Tier 2 pistol. Removed few useless serverside timers. Added 2 more achievements. Nerfed alpha zombies a bit. Added something annoying.

    Day Z

    Hm. Seems ARMA 2 AO just got updated
  10. Nearly finished 4th (final) boss for zs. Haters gonna hate him.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Reap3r


      How do I become like you?

    3. Ywa


      By hatin'

    4. Griffon


      @Reap3r Barons asshat thats how.

  11. Small update: Reworked mapcycle/crate/exploit boxes functions so they are stored in txt files now Added Map Manager for easier map adding/editing Added 27 new maps Exploit Boxes can can be edited on fly, crates will be applied after map restart
  12. Whew. Finished the thing that will let me upload shitload of new maps without any problems: http://bbq.to/mm_0e1c.jpg

    1. Damien


      Necrossin, the lua king ;)

    2. mogadonskoda
  13. "New a bit better version of cartoon" actually lol. thats like Madness Combat on crack btw better rename title to 'Ninja Action'
  14. "Mysterious revolver has appeared under Pufulet's bed!"


    Day Z

    We all will play. And only with Clavus
  16. oh and
  17. "Old gas mask and 'Nerf' just appeared in the basement!"

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Griffon


      not again...

    3. Quert


      Jeez, always with this Basement story, can you change the location of the appearance once in a while? Like, I dont know, in the attic maybe?

  18. "Rusty flare has appeared in the basement!"

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Quert


      Oh okay Reiska, you aren't drunk, you are high.

    3. rui_troia


      Make an Uncle Rui boss plz.

    4. rui_troia


      Make an Uncle Rui boss plz.

  19. This time decided to finally realise how to work with locks properly + particles. And yeah animation is weird a little
    1. MiF


      Oh it's Dju1991 :D. Haven't seen videos from that guy in some time.

  20. Happy Birthday!
  21. Probably 3rd video attempt. Previous ones failed because I fucked up locks :<
  22. " 'Nerf' The Zombie has appeared in the basement!"

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Pufulet


      I will crush it.

    3. rui_troia


      Appears in pink chat only.

    4. Griffon


      Its a zombie with a nerf gun?

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