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Mr. Green Gaming

Big ZS Topic (aka ZS Changes)

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Ethereal teleport should have a long cooldown, not removed completely. Same goes for the fast zombie leap.

But then it should have the thing that spins you around removed, it serves no use. It just gets humans killed when trying to run away from something.

- It slows down humans that are mid-air (Jumping or falling)

- It makes no sense to do a 180 into a horde of zombies when it teleports


I think, that instead of doing players turn 180 degreese around, the ethereals will get a red aura marked over them when they teleport. It will stay within 3 secs.

Because only then the player chooses between turning around or not.

Also the achievement system got pointless, because most of achievements dont work any more. For example, the same achievement for wraith to scare 10 humans around.

Posted (edited)

Who said anything about fasties not leaping? Just limit the spam

- And etherials can reach on the camping spot in Godzilla without their teleport

Your point is invalid my good sir.

Edited by Sk@tEfigHteR

Fastie leapspam could easily kill that engineer.

And godzilla is a survival map as it is one large area where humans can run away from zombies with ease.

And zombies have no props to use as ranged weapons (Except if a support drops a plank and leaves it like that).

But it's a single map that doesn't belong in Zombie Survival so I still think etherial teleport should be removed and fast zombie leap should have a much longer cooldown timer.


Ethernals should stand still for few two secs (idk can i say like that in English, it means few secs, lul)

or get an aura for few secs (something like Red smoke)

and fagsties should have 5 sec leap cooldown.

and crapcrab should have smaller range, or/and lose hp everytime it spits (where in the heck that spit comes from)


I agree with the standstill cooldown and crab spits

It's annoying how poison headcrabs take 15+ health across half the map.

In most cases it's even hard to kill them using marksman (they just spit over an object where humans cant shoot them)


oh, about meatshowers, i used to need 1600 headshots to get to lvl 2 as commando, and i did 6-20 headshots about every round. Now i need 2000 meatshowers to get to lvl 2. And i get 1-4 meatshowers every day. (i play like 10 rounds everyday.)

Posted (edited)

oh, about meatshowers, i used to need 1600 headshots to get to lvl 2 as commando, and i did 6-20 headshots about every round. Now i need 2000 Dismemberments to get to lvl 2. And i get 1-4 meatshowers every day. (i play like 10 rounds everyday.)





*grenade kills usually

*im not certain on grenade kills

there are many more ways now to earn your points now

necro did a good job

Now necro fix lvl 3 commando plz

Edited by Griffon





grenade kills usually

Hmm. I might include tearing away arms and legs in requiremments for commando (not only meat showers)


-Commando gets 2 grenades from supply crates instead of 3. (intentional?)

-Headcrab kill 5 sp, headcrab assist 10 sp.

-Healing gases needs to be revised on some maps. For example on Pub you can have starting zombie health all round because of it.

Posted (edited)

Another small list of suggestions

- Add flashlights for melee weapons, with the new colour mod it's like running blind, and if you take any other weapon you're slower than the zombies.. Wich are too fast anyway..

- Re-add last human damage , Seriously it's impossible to play as last human when you have a horde chasing you and they have damage resistance and all you have is a weapon that can barely kill two of them

- If you wont re-add last human damage atleast make shotguns do their previous 91 damage. The m1014 can barely kill one zombie. The normal shotgun.. I didn't even bother using it to kill zombies when I got it.

I'd rather have an AK than any of the shotguns.. And they need 3x more SP to get

, And next time you're nerfing humans (Like you always do) Pay attention

Since the support's M3 does more damage than both of the shotguns that come AFTER it.


- Poison crabs can easily spam their primary attack (the red ball) and it does massive damage. Crabs HUMP, they dont SPIT, And on another server where they do spit they do mutch less damage and have the same range as the poison zombie "Puke". These ones have the range of fucking Artilerry.

And I hope you can fix the zombies bugged hit range... It's really getting on peoples nerves, dying from across massive distances.

Edited by Sk@tEfigHteR

Agree with skate, everything but the melee wep thing.

Knifes dont have flashlights.

Oh, and my (forum) suggestion. add Dislike buttom, now there is only that Like buttom.

and i cant Dislike some shit ideas.


I agree with adding a flash light to melee weapons. Support hammer has it, and berserkers had it too, why not the other classes? Picture related, can't see a thing.



Well since the zombie team is a little underpowered, because of the removal of poison zombie heal. For example.

I was discussing this idea with Damien and came to the conclusion that the headcrab isn't such a great zombie class.

So if the Poison zombie had too much ''perks/abilities'' like: Insane propkill possibilities, very high damage, propjump ability and capable of healing other zombies. Well that was too much.

So they replaced heal with Puke Well ofcourse that made the poison zombie a less great class in my opinion.

So where is the heal nowadays? I do kinda miss it, because this has weakened the zombie class greatly. In my experience of playing with the new update.

So now take the headcrab, which abilities does the headcrab have? It does 10 dmg, it can jump, jump, jump And ofcourse jump. Nothing really interesting. And not really a threat for the humans.

But what happens if it does get a threat for humans? I told Damien that the headcrab should have the healing aura. (because if you can heal with poison zombie's puke. Imagine invincible zombies when sieging a barricade with 5 zombies puking over the attackers) That wouldnt be such a great idea.

So ohyea here i was:

So The heal aura should be brought back. But on another class. Oh yea the headcrab. Why? Its a low HP zombie class, it doesn't really has abilities and are not quite able to support the zombies. It not much of a threat, basically the headcrab sucks.

Ofcourse that doesnt mean that the heal aura should be brought back like the way it was, no different.

For example:

20 hp/s for fast zombies

20 hp/s for normal zombies/eternals

15 hp/s for Poison zombies/zombines

Headcrabs wont heal other headcrabs. And the healing aura will only be maxed out to two zombies. Instead the movement penalty will get lowered to -15% or -10 %.

I think this will improve balance of the zombie team. And make the game more exciting, while being rid of the über imba poison zombie heal.

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