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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by VMR

  1. That pilot was so good, props to that guy. Don't remember his name though.All in all, JC2MP is a lot of fun, and I hope we can all enjoy it together after it's release.
    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Mr. Darkness

      Mr. Darkness

      I wish that dog was my pet. Even tho, on the other hand it would be a pain in the ass to catch the dog if it stole your sausage or if it want's to simply run outside on the streets.

    3. Mr. Darkness

      Mr. Darkness

      I wish that dog was my pet. Even tho, on the other hand it would be a pain in the ass to catch the dog if it stole your sausage or if it wants to simply run outside on the streets.

    4. terminator


      That dog is so bad ass it would probably bring the sausages he stole to you ;)

  2. VMR

    Day Z

    Well, even though, my point is that you're too much into it. This isn't real life, it's a game. I know it can take hours to find vehicles and whatnot but playing video games should be fun, not taking part of a new virtual world.. that's drifting away from reality. Don't fall into that pit! That's the whole point of DayZ though, to create a more life-like gaming experience where things like supplies really matter. I can totally defend Reap3r taking this seriously.
  3. VMR

    Happy birthday

  4. Got tons of CSS and CS 1.6 time that hasn't been counted
  5. Will you be playing on Magnus Falls when it launches?
  6. GW2 is art.
  7. One of the more lucky screenshots I got from this weekend Aviator shades all day
  8. VMR

    Video games Titles

    Rape Gear
  9. Happy birthday <3
  10. Like a lottery?
  11. VMR

    Day Z

    I just own the regular version of ArmA II, I'm guessing it won't work without Operation Arrowhead?
  12. VMR

    Day Z

    I'll be joining after my exams
  13. Why didn't you swollow, Jaames?
  14. It needs to be nerfed, that's what it needs.
  15. I don't really think randomness suits IW that well. People tend to get really mad when random things happen to them, even just by being chosen as a zombie.
  16. Which is why I think that a pistol for the behemoth is a good idea. If the human switches to regen after the meatcannon shot then they will at least take ~25 damage before the next shot comes and they have to change back to armor. I think it would be a good way to balance it up again.
  17. Armorbug got fixed? Yeah, a couple days ago
  18. I don't have a problem with dominating as Behemoth at all. You're not supposed to be a one-man army, you're supposed to draw players in, surprise them, drive them away from each other. I think the swing speed of the crowbar could be increased a bit (so getting near a Behemoth is even less recommended) but that's about it. I know this sounds stupid, but have you played since the armorbug got fixed?
  19. 99% of the weapons in IW are hit-scan, what's your point?
  20. That wasn't to the crowbar, that was a response to what you said earlier about And The current problem with the behemoth is that if you meet one, it doesn't really pose a threat at all. You could just kinda play around with him till you're tired or some other zombie shows up then a quick buckshot to the face and run off. I think the behemoth should pack enough power to at last force the human to run away a bit. The pistol won't make him any stronger in any way except for that humans won't be able to just switch to regen while the behemoth is reloading and toy around with him as much.
  21. What? Tell me, did you know that you can heal your turret just by switching to Regeneration suit power? Turret is for real men. EDIT: Why not just use crowbar during the meat cannon cooldown? I just can't imagine a massive zombie using a pistol... We're not talking about when you're up in their face. In close quarters the behe wins every time anyway. The problem is when they run around.
  22. Yep. See what I mean? I sorta agree. Maybe the behemoth needs a pistol as well? A decent player can almost always survive a behe going solo. Instead of that; I believe now he needs either more damage, higher splash damage with a greater radius, more movement speed, or a mixture of the three. I personally enjoy Behemoth's tank feel. Nah. The only thing that makes playing behemoth irritating atm is that humans can easily regenerate enough to withstand the next shot during the reloading time for the meatcannon. By introducing a pistol the behemoth could fill in that otherwise dead time with shooting the guy, putting more preasure on the human. I believe this is the only change that's needed. edit: Rui is still being crazy. Maybe make it so the meat launcher disables regeneration for a short time? Say 2 second on a direct hit, then falling off with splash? The pistol is a much easier solution though, and there's actually some skill involved...
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