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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by VMR

  1. Hehe it's not like that If you're talking about that guy who suicided for behemoth on the IW server a few days ago, I havent seen him do anything else, so I had to give him a warning. I can't just ban him for something that small... People get really mad when banned/kicked without a good reason, and most of the they will stop if an admin tells them to. If not, kick/ban depending on what they did.
  2. He's been trolling everyone as far as I know. He just hasn't crossed the line. Yet. Well, if he is an ass, and he is saying he is doing stuff that is against the rules, I say give him a warning. If he continues, ban him. He knows its against the rules.
  3. I think he should be banned. If you say that you have a aimbot, don't expect not to be banned. Just my opinion...
  4. Admins should have spectating options for IW :C
  5. I got a problem with BF:BC2.. When I launch it, the screen turns white, and then it just closes. No error messages or anything :S Anyone know how to solve? I've tried reinstall, didn't work.
  6. 2/10 Man, that's just... not what I listen to :| :] ::: The video is out of synch, since it's for the censored versin :]
  7. Getting my ass to school. All transport has stopped, due to the raging snowgod.
  8. VMR

    Guest spam O.o

    Can't you just block the Baidu searchbot?
  9. He lives in Romania. Someone told me lives in Norway... Or maybe... I thought that on him hearing that others live in Norway. me and baby is norwegians Ozzy (if anyone remembers him) is also from Oslo ;P
  10. I've never heard anything about Warghoul getting overdrive/master.... Doubt it's gonna happen
  11. I think it is the same as hundred said. Though I find it hard to belive.. How can it NOT hit 2 hitboxes at the same time? :S The hitbox theory is; It hits the head and stomach at the same time, so it deals damage to both. 100 suit drained from the head, then 100 hp drained from the body. But what I don't get, is that the "armor bug" only happens about once every 20th shot (it happens more ofthen the more players are online) But even with few players, should'nt it hit 2 hitboxes every time? I mean, its an explosion?
  12. VMR

    Ban Request

    Umm yeah, about that.... The server crashes every time I ban/kick a player, why is that? I've noticed about 3/4 of the players got disconnected when I tried to kick someone (including me) And when I tried to ban someone, the server crashed... This is really annoying, anyone knows what causes it?
  13. VMR

    Nah it pwns xD

    Nice Youtube channel O.o

  14. VMR

    Green shop

    .... which is why it might be hard to accomplish.
  16. VMR

    Green shop

    If they're gonna order something, I think it would be best to order 100+ Posters isn't that expensive, but clothing is...
  17. VMR

    Green shop

    You don't need to be ashamed of your weight... I always gets misunderstanded You the kida dude who like dresses? and want a big T-shirt to look like one? When I am home, I like to wear a big t-shirt, cause I find it relaxing haha.. Nah, I dont like dresses, though if the t-shirt gets too big it will look like one Lol I'm actually wearing a I<3NY tshirt now, that's XXL <3 weekends <3
  18. VMR

    Green shop

    ommmggg I love the scrolling effect on that site, just awesome Or once the list reaches a certain amount of people... This could be a problem though, as we have to send the money first, to avoid scam/not paying up
  19. Ya that is alot but it's 4 in the morning, don't feel like typing a essay just to become a admin, find it retarded to do that.... Well, if you think it's "retarded" to write a 'more-than-four-lines-of-text-app', then I don't think you're fit to be an admin on these servers. Sorry.
  20. VMR

    Green shop

    I think I would buy everything from the 'shop', seems awesome :] It would've been awesome, but I don't think the shop would be running for long... If we're doing this, we should send the info to a factory, then make everyone who wants anything, send it to ywa/clavus and they will order that amount. This idea will never survive if its gonna be a 'shop' where you can just order, stuff gets alot cheaper when ordering bigger amounts
  21. VMR

    Haha awesome sig xD

  22. Well, too bad =/ I think you would've made a really good admin Well, GL on MW2 then ^^
  23. Someone here's a science geek This part of the science was the most fun for me. I dunno why, but the periodic table always interested me. Same here. You got everything on the planet in there :] I'm also interested in Newtons laws, and Energy... It's awesome
  24. Lol @ the particle joke XD idk why I just lol'd hard XD
  25. 16 a few months ago O.o 3 people over 21 :|
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