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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by VMR

  1. I recognized about half, but I can only name like 50 of them
  2. Congratulations Clavus! ^^
  3. Wow, that looks awesome makes me want to spend more time learning it :/
  4. Lol it's spelled Mongolid, but anyways ystrA or Ystra(artsy backwords, I just think it's a cool word :]) The_dragon_slayer_98 dragon_pwner I PWN U
  5. VMR


  6. SANTA CLAUS DO NOT LIVE IN FINLAND!! THATS A MYTH! HE LIVES IN GREENLAND AND GREENLAND IS OWNED BY DENMARK SO HE LIVES IN DENMARK TOO If you mail something to "The north pole" it ends up somewhere north in Norway :]
  7. 8/10 Great song, loved it! not perfect though, could be better..
  8. paladin unlocked
  9. Happy birthday
  10. Oh yeah.. Wait, what?
  11. Pineapple sucks!
  12. What's with you and gaskmasks? XD
  13. Well, we kinda have Clavus made IW ^^ I don't think we can do very much in other games than Gmod though @ Redgord that's some nice work! Where are you going to use it?
  14. The weapon bug has returned once again! You don't drop your weapons, but you just spawn without them now...
  15. VMR

    Awesome MW2 game

    Lol nice ;D My best was 39000
  16. People who makes those kinds of websites can buy a good keylogger... I wouldn't take the risk. Never press any links, links r evil.
  17. It was cool Good job
  18. When I read on the back of it, it says it's produced in sweden.. Edit: Freia is an American-owned Norwegian chocolate brand. In other words; Norwegian chocolate, and the money goes to America
  19. Lol you should come to my house! About 2 meters of snow outside Like 3 days ago I saw people skiing in the streets (I've seen that alot this winter actually) Welcome Back ;P
  20. Jesus christ! XD You're killing me XD
  21. Lol'd
  22. VMR

    Nice new signature :D

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