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Mr. Green Gaming


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  1. Upvote
    Toxik reacted to Clavus in why no one plays this server.   
    I think I'll try this, since it seems Factions does pass some events around: as a solo player you won't be able to claim more than 1 chunk, enough for a mudhut. For 2 players, it's 4 chunks. From 3 players and up, it's to full extend of your faction power.
  2. Upvote
    Toxik reacted to Reap3r in Happy 2013!   
    Hurr I wish everyone a happy 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016 etc 
  3. Upvote
    Toxik reacted to Ywa in Happy 2013!   
    Happy and enjoyable 2013 for everyone of this community! Let's play some games!
    In 2013 there'll be, most likely, some major changes at this community. Time to bring back the action!
  4. Upvote
    Toxik reacted to Balmung in We just want it all.   
    I also dislike the idea of /spawn I've played through since the start of the server and never once thought that 'Hey a /spawn command would be useful' It's simply not needed, if you are raiding and want to use it as a shortcut thats simply lazyness on behalf of the raiders if you dont want to walk 4000 blocks to fight an enemy you should just target someone closer. /spawn is a case of want not need.
    The only time /spawn would be good if it was restricted to players not within a faction, that way players who do get lost and for some reason either don't want to use /kill or look at the map have an easy universal solution. Other than that though /spawn offers nothing which can not be done manually.
  5. Upvote
    Toxik reacted to marcus6x6 in Idea's for a pvp arena   
    I still dont like adding arenas and all. Pvp was awesome before. Without arenas and shit. It was what made left 4 green unique. The 2 way teleporters around the map was perfect to get to spawn, and made you have to go out of your base to do so. if we add a /spawn command people will be even more safe and i personally hate spawn pvp. The Restriction of pearls is still stupid, so is the public end. ( i know i keep bringing this up ) But we need changes that make ppl go out of there bases. And asvell make them raidable. Maybe make netherwart only grow in the nether? And i would also suggest blocking the fucking enderchest. since it is retarded and make factions no fun at all. This totally is the wrong topic for this shit iguess. But the point of this comment is that if we go back as it was before, i dont think a pvp arena is neccesary at all.
    1 more thing.

  6. Upvote
    Toxik reacted to awesomeo_5000 in Idea's for a pvp arena   
    What do you guys think an arena would bring to the server? 

    Before, if someone trash talked, wanted to fight, insulted your saint of a mother or pretty much any reason you could muster, you'd make haste to their base and use everything at your disposal to get in and spawn kill them to obliteration. Nowadays it seems people just exchange U HACK from their water lined obsidian cubes and complain there's a lack of PvP to the game. 
    I just see an arena as a way to gain a little equipment and bragging rights. Which is a watered down version of gaining a lot of equipment and gaining someone's metaphorical scalp from a base bust-up. 

    I think there could be better ways to improve, or encourage raiding. Lowering water and obsidian's TNT resistance to just below threshold might make a difference. That way no one is really automatically safe, and your options are either fight or log and pray they don't get in during your TNT cool down timer. 
    Or, just take it upon yourselves to build less than impenetrable bases. If you really are the PvP Gods you think you are, you should be able to rock a mudhut and still defend it against any would be barbarians. Getting raided is fun, and if you're good enough you'll get delivered gear right on your doorstep. Protect your good stuff in a sealed off room, leave the major parts of your base tntable, and see what happens. I guarantee you it'll at least be more interesting than sitting in your obsidicube and wondering where the fun went. 
    All this said, I've resorted to hiding chat most of the time I've been playing recently to avoid the spawn kills I see going on, so something must be working?
  7. Upvote
    Toxik reacted to Reiska in Questions and Discussion   
    yesterday every time I died as human was cause I got stuck so yeah something is wrong here
  8. Upvote
    Toxik reacted to rui_troia in Questions and Discussion   
    Necro, the Human hit detection is kinda buggy...
    I've mostly hit the humans in the body part or around it, and yet, no damage.
    And no, it's not because of the server's player counter lag, I've tested it while playing with 5-7 people.
  9. Upvote
    Toxik reacted to rui_troia in Questions and Discussion   
    I've noticed that when the server changes map, the server goes down.
    Happens 60% of the times to me.
  10. Upvote
    Toxik reacted to Reap3r in Day Z   
    Nah it will only give you better skins in DayZ, I am not sure about the actual content in DLC though.
    On another note:
    How many people are gonna buy the DayZ Standalone? This time I wanna do it right and Conquer/Control a whole server gna gna gna
    With that said: If 10+ people are into this I propose we make two squads:
    SQUAD A:
    SQ A, the squad who are located in a hilly area they have perfect outsight of everything.
    This SQ will mostly have: Snipers, Hunter, Spies, Splinter Cells, Lads
    They are stealth, assassination, support, long range, overwatch.
    They do not meddle direct.
    SQUAD B:
    Their base will be close to the roads and high militairy looting areas
    They consist of: Bandits, Raiders, Looters, Scavengers, Brutes, Plebs
    They are the direct type, they are the front soldiers of the battlefield, risking theirselves completely and being hugely skilled in avoiding death in the front lines thanks to their skills
    They will mostly initiate something and cause wars.
    Now I also want to set some VERY BASIC RULES:
    1. Thou shan't have fire in a SQUADs base.
    2. If thou really wanted a fire, put it near the farm/water/road and withdraw silently.
    3. Everyone is allowed to control a air vehicle but destroy/crash it by your own mistakes and you are not allowed to control one until you bring two.
    4. SQUADs shall be in different teamspeaks unless they are doing a mission together or the other SQUAD channel is empty.
    5. SQUAD Leaders will communicate with each other through steam if any of the SQUAD members will do a event, that will prevent friendly fire.
    6. if any squad member has a something to settle with the other, they can do so with a duel. Ofcourse theres a time and place for it.
    7. If you are planning to do something, notify the squad leader or vice leader
    Those are all I guess.
    This is just a proposition, so don't get butthurt. 
  11. Upvote
    Toxik got a reaction from Quad_Tube in Show us your Gaming Setup!!!   
    Here's mine. Dunno why made a video.

  12. Upvote
    Toxik got a reaction from RedGander in To Catch A Hacker   
    I think he means trustworthy people who would tell the truth and he can contact an admin and the admin will come there and check if he is right.
  13. Upvote
    Toxik got a reaction from Mrturbotrio in Most Feared Faction?   
    The original Scourge leader was Pufulet (Pufag )
    Barbies are nawbs
  14. Upvote
    Toxik got a reaction from rui_troia in Day Z   
    Here's my story
    I haven't played this game for about a month now but my friends got the game so I though why not. They ( Eryk and Brajan) were playing over night. So I wake up and see a message from Eryk saying "got myself a heck ton of eqiupment i found a silenced pistol and killed 10 guys that were afk then i died so a guy offered me a ride in a helicopter to the area i died but then i broke a bone and now i need some morphine". I was like lol about the helicopter ride. Then he woke up and told me where he is. He was in the factory between Solnichniy and Nizhnoye. Great, I was at the other end of the map near Myshkino. But decided I have nothing better to to so I went to him. Stopped at Stary Sobor to check out the tents. Found an M4A3 CCO and an M1014 but I didn't bother because I wanted to give Eryk my M14 AIM with 3 mags. Then I finally arrived at Eryk. But now there's a problem. There was a hell ton of zombies in that little place and Eryk was on the roof of the factory building. We found each other with binoculars. I looked at the map one more time and saw 2 different farms and a barn and beside Eryk's building there was and enterable building so I could lose the zombies there. So I did that, got up on the roof gave Eryk a blood transfusion, morphine and my M14. But then I had to go. The run to Eryk took me about 3 hours .
    When I get back on Eryk tells me that he had a lighting bug and he thought that if he joins a different server that will fix it. Guess what. A hacker made him fall out of the sky with my M14 and some other stuff.So I told them both (Brajan is still at the coast lol) to meet up at Mogilevka. When I got there they said that they didn't even move. So I went lower on the map (was getting scared because we were playing on a 3 player server and someone will probably shoot me with my M107 antenna looking weapon on my back) and I end up overlooking Prigorodky. Then it begins to rain and I was prone so I thought that I might catch a disease so I get up look left about to run and I see a dude in a bush 5 meters away from me overlooking the town too. I take out my M107 and he begins to run towards the forest behind us with his little enfield. I get my zeroing and everything ready then he starts going crazy as soon as I take the shot. Miss I shoot again. Miss Once more. Miss so I was like screw this the whole town behind me is probably chasing me by now so I abort.
    I join the very next day with Eryk (he is lazy so I had to get his younger bro to throw a tennisball at his head, did the job.) and I join and realize that I spawned at the coast with my M107 and everything. I find out that I'm to the right of Elektrozavodsk and Eryk is to the left of Chernogorsk. So I go around Elektrozavodsk and tell Eryk to meet up at Cap Golova ( It's a small hill with a lighthouse on it ). Then I get there and Eryk tells me that he can see the military camp and I told him that he is an idiot and that we should meet up at the entrance of Chernogorsk from his side. Then when I'm half way around Chernogorsk he tells me he can see the steel bridge (my side) so I told him to go to Cap Golova. When he gets there he tells my that he found a bike and we were happeh. Then he is unconscious on the bike and when he is conscious the bike was on him. Instantly I said " In soviet Russia bike cycles you" . But then I arrived and gave him a blood transfusion. Sadly I had to go so we hid the bike in a bush. When I came back on, the bike was gone Eryk badly needed food so I went to find an animal and found a rabbit and shot it. Brajan was like "Who the hell is shooting!". I told him it was me and saw a dude running towards me with 2 zombies on him so I shot them and got the meat and cooked it and gave it to Eryk. I realized that there are no zombies alive so I started shooting random animals. then Eryk started shooting Brajan at a distance xD. But me and Brajan had same skin and we were hiding behind a bush and Eryk came and shot me in the leg and I thought it was another player so I killed him. Eryk's excuse was "My mouse spazzed out". I took his AKM into my backpack and gave Brajan my spare CZ550 I had in my backpack. I asked Brajan if he wanted to go sniping and he said ok so we went up on a mountain and joined a server with 25 players.
    We were overlooking Prigorodky. It took 5 minutes of waiting to spot two players running into a farm. We took them out then I saw one more dude and we took him out too. Then I unscope and see my bandit skin I tell Brajan to take a look at it and he said it's cool and then he shouts " OMG THERE IS A DUDE BE HIDE US" I instantly turn around to see a dude in a ghillie suit 20 meters away from us and Brajan says to him " Don't shoot x5" and the guy just runs away xD. Now we are on our way to the NW airfield to get some better guns.
  15. Upvote
    Toxik got a reaction from Dr.Minky in Minecraft - FACTION WARS   
    I could try to make a video about the server that will look like a trailer.
  16. Upvote
    Toxik got a reaction from rui_troia in Slender game.   
    Gonna make a live stream of this someday >
  17. Upvote
    Toxik reacted to Mathijs1996 in Minecraft discussion   
    Could we get a /f enemy all Command ? please =X
  18. Upvote
    Toxik got a reaction from XxSweggaeGirlxX in FREE LOTTERY (MINECRAFT)   

    You said on the list that my name is Toxik but in minecraft its kamil2000pl. Fix that please

  19. Upvote
    Toxik got a reaction from XxSweggaeGirllxX in FREE LOTTERY (MINECRAFT)   
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