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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Mathijs1996

  1. That would be great. Potionspamming would still be possible, but removing the good enchants would at least be way better than it is now and make PvPing against big factions possible without afking for hours to get OP enchants. After all, games are supposed to be played, not afked. I just realised that removing prot IV would make instant damages OP, since 3 instant damages means an instant death. We really should think this true before adding something which will ruin the game even more, don't get me wrong I would love to see enchants removed, but maybe damage potions should be removed aswell ?
  2. Mathijs is a jerk to anyone he deems "lower" than him. He flamed me for no reason randomly in chat. Later, He came to my base one day, and proceeded to flame me more hatefully, just because I wouldn't come out and fight his protection 4 butt. I don't think I even had armor at that point, which I made clear to him. According to Mathijs, if people don't fight him with nothing on, they're a bunch of scared little kids. I don't give a crap about this flaming/ranting, but personally I think it makes Mathijs a horrible choice for admin. An admin needs to kind/considerate and have unbiased judgement. Sure he might be nice to his 'friends,' but 95% of the players on the server aren't his 'friends.' I agree with Kitty, I stepped out of spawn at the start of this map, and within 10 seconds, Mathijs kills me. I eventually started up a mini DIRT house as a temporary shelter; I had nothing. He came with a bunch of his buddies, creeper'd into my dirt hut, and stole everything. Yeah it's a raiding server, got it. However, It's completely hypocritical for him to even start to blame other players for turning away our player-base when he's a large factor in it. I'm glad Mathijs records hackers and attempts to ban them. I don't know why anyone would want a bunch of v-clippers flying around. I do find it funny, however, how he treats himself like an admin. At the same time, I don't blame people for hacking. What else are they going to do when a bunch of protection 4 guys go slaughter them the second they step out of spawn? As Kitty said, we lack a "Middle Class." This is the last time I'm going to respond since it has no use anyway, people who like me flame people who hate me and the other way around. But next time I 'flame' you I'll also record the things that happened before that. From the moment I get online I'm getting teased, which is logic, but you don't have to start to complain that I flame, it's faction wars, you can't be friends with everyone or with every staff member of the entire community. You don't have to act pathetic either when you say you get spawnkilled by your enemies from the previous map, if you would see any enemy trying to start off, you would do the same. But I think both me and you agree on this one that the real fresh players are left alone anyway, right? I don't even have protection IV since it's just to much of a pain in the arse to make and I would love to see enchantments be removed from armor and swords (Maybe keep them on tools if that would be possible ?). I could've flaimed/teased you to get out of your base, that's true, but I also remember I went to your base and another member which was extremely friendly was online. In the end I gave him stuff and we had a laugh. It's extremely sad that you think that I would ban 95% of the players on the server, that's not what I want to do, if you go read my application you can see I would only use it for the reason that it's way easier to ban someone right away and therefore preventing him killing massive amounts of fair players. I would love to organize some pvp tournaments every weekend since that's highly requested aswell. I know I can't be friends with everyone just like I wasn't friends with Corby or Awesomeo in the beginning either, since they just powned my ass over and over. But after we all just calmed down, I realised that they're both extremely helpfull and kind persons. And guess what ? I even learned something by accepting them, not all gays are weird. (#CorbyIsGayFanclub)
  3. Dunno who gave me my 100st rep, but thanks, I guess ? :)

    1. CodeExtreme


      xpr0legendx gived you your 100st rep :P

    2. Mathijs1996
  4. Quit your bitching. Cloaking has been a part of the meta-game for 1,5 years. You can't blame Mathijs for being smarter than you. I've said this multiple times but Minecraft has sucked since beta 1.7.3, no way around it. Ultimately, it was the crits and the enchantments that drove me away. Didn't like the hunger bar or potions but I could deal with them. At least potions add something to the game unlike enchantments. Enchanting is a gimmick that shouldn't even be in the game. Also give me back the old bow that I loved. Did you know you could shoot 2 stacks of arrows almost instantly (something like 0.2 seconds) if you made a macro. Unfortunately it still did the same damage as shooting one arrow but it was pretty hilarious. /rant I highly appreciate that an even older player than me took my back (kind off), I remember the times that I was a noob and Maffia (later Mungol) scared the shit out of me. At that time, there wasn't even a dynmap, but do you think it's really fair to exclude ambushes from the game ? You could get permanent cloak easily aswell, just go ahead and vote each day for the server, which might increase the players and give you free instant green coins. I don't really care what you guys even say, I know who my friends are and imo they're acting way more adult than anyone of you. I like how they even start to blame me for recording to much hackers, but hey, if you want a full server with flyhackers, go ahead, leave the server, find another one, I don't give a crap if you have to blame me for recording to much players, that's just silly. I know it is frustrating to get killed as a noob, I've been there, believe me (Thx Mungol ), but I've caught myself giving crap to noobs and not even paying attention to anyone that has no armor. I would love to see what would happen if all the old guys came back, yes some of them might be ignorant dickheads, but those were the times when Corby flew about and had some fun with our Scandinavian friends, the days where we all lived in fear because we couldn't check dynmap 24/7. And all this insults/(h)ackusations aren't helping anything, I know it's frustrating getting killed, I thought at first Mungol were a bunch of hackers aswell, but guess what ? There's someone better than you in a bloody game. Learn to live with it. P.s. Thx for the compliment mate, that's all I'm going for, getting all the hackers banned and I really like you appreciate how much work and time it took
  5. Aren't you banned? White why you ask about that in this topic? He's going off topic aswell as you are, no offence since this isn't in a section where going off topic is a huge problem. You can ask him or advise him to stay on topic but it doesn't really matter since he can do what he wants.
  6. I noticed how most people that are complaining here, because of the lack of players in game, are behaving completly different in game. Today they made an ugly 1x1 water tower and a lava mountain and left some threats near my base like "Stop recording you faggot, we hate you". This made me extremly happy knowing that I'm fulfilling my duty to the community as good as I can. But then I see players complaining on the forums but meanwhile in game, they're calling names, acting like dicks, hacking the shit out of the server, .. It's logic that a noob will leave when he keeps getting killed by a vclipper/forcefielder with full prot IV, you don't need a beautifull spawn, you should just behave yourself and think for a moment why you would stay on the server with dickheads like yourself. I'm not calling names, because the people that did this know they're pathetic and are a big cause of the player deflux. I don't honestly give a shit either what any other flamer has to say about it, just reflect your behaviour on yourself and then go cry in a corner because of self-pity.
  7. Well, that doesn't really matter if there's always one faction that xrayed the easy end portal right away .. What about 1 public end no other ends, but way more difficult to get to as it currently is ?
  8. Anyone has any idea for the world most sexy scout ? Budget between 3-5 keys (Currently already have fast learner and hero's tail, you can change those if you like)
  9. Since this isn't in the right section I take my freedom to reply (You should post an unban appeal here) Diamond blocks are not registered as diamond ores, and as far as I know diamond ores are the only thing that trigger Clavus' magic plugin. Now, there're 2 options: -You lied, which is most likely -The X-Ray plugin has banned over 750 players who weren't guilty.
  10. Some assignement for french, I should explain it otherwise you all think I'm retarded but I'm not going to
  11. Okay, I'm sharing you on social media so I can be the cool kid that discovered you before it got mainstream
  12. By putting this here, you went off topic aswell. But you're 100% correct, but we've forum mods so mayby you should ask them to raise warn levels more quickly in these kind of topics, because talking about how you got into someone's base has nothing to do with server improvements.
  13. Could the max mobs per chunck be raised please ? I'm sure 100-200 max mobs per chunck wont do any harm. I don't know the exact cap (30-50?) but that's even less than an avarage cave contains. Levelling became harder than it should be, and I'm sure we don't want another deflux of players due enchanting problems ...
  14. It was, i walked near his base and if i came closer than 100 blocks to the spawners it started to lagg very bad.. I tnted there little house sinds it wasnt water protected and walked in, when i finally aribved at the mobs i pressed f3 and ther were 685 mobs !!!! I trew 1 health potion and i was lvl 50 in 1 time!! after the mobs being killed it was done with the lagg so it defenatly is cause of the mobs.. Ps: @clavus howlong does it take before you get kickd? Srry for my english, im dutch I think the slight 'global' lagg we had will be caused by the 2 extra plugins now so I don't think it's that much of a difference except in the area of the mobs. We'll see what this brings to the server
  15. I'm sure the mobs aren't that big of an issue to be honoust, it only causes frame drops in the chuncks around the stack of mobs but I've never experienced more lagg when I had 500 zombies being stacked or no zombies at all. You might get some lagg in the direct area of it but I'm sure it can't possibly effect the entire server that much. Adding an afk plugin will cause more players to download a client mod which makes you jump or w/e and I'm sure we're not trying to get as much persons possibly banned. I've visited a lot more servers with even more players and massive public mob spawners (more than 1000 mobs within 1 chunck) and they do NOT lag horribly outside a few chuncks from the mobs. I don't think this is a solution but more of a disadvantage, a minor of the server.
  16. Em I choose to live for 80 years and die since there's no heaven Would you rather be Darth Vader or Adolf Hitler ?
  17. I've been playing tons on the server, when it laggs it's hardcore lagg but there isn't that much lagg as there used to be. I'm happy how it's rolling
  18. We have one that just dissapeared. I'm sure your power can let yourself in to check the spawner closest to bedrock Otherwise I'll contact you later on steam or IG.
  19. Same, dirt keeps dissapearing when harvesting and my spawner disappeared aswell
  20. As I logged back in this morning I saw all my animals have been killed, an I can say this is a huge boomer if you've been looking hours for those cows while playing the entire game fair. Besides people flying around and vclipping because nocheat isn't back yet a lot of people even logg out if they think they'll die. As in the current state you must all agree that it is unable to host a pvp server atm without giving hackers and unfair player an INCREDIBLE advantage. And I hope that both admins and topcrew will realise that we need these plugins as fast as possible and if unable we can not host the server atm without loosing all the fair players. These hacks are undetectible, ureportable and unpunishable aswell as the combatlogging is. We can not blame anyone but this is just a big bommer. Because let us be fair, who want's to play on a fresh server when you can't even log out knowing that your base will be safe because of missing plugins. I am NOT blaming topcrew or admins but you have to realise that we will be loosing players that hope to find a fresh server and then loose their hard work because of missing plugins. I think we should wait with the fresh map untill all plugins are fixed because hackers are getting huge advantages due the missing plugins. Mayby we should host something for the pass time but this is just ridicilous. Of course I'm not leaving the server due the community but if you just joined any random server this is a reason to leave and find another one. EDIT: I know I complain a lot on the forums due I can not undertake actions myself (yet hopefully) but you have to understand that as an active player it is always different. And if I don't complain here, it wont be known and then suddenly loads of players leave for no reason. I don't like complaining here and I hope you understand that.
  21. Have to make an essay about ethical models in our world. And this song just nails it, makes me quiet and demands respect.

    1. Mr. Darkness

      Mr. Darkness

      Wow, good luck. That's gotta be a big one.

    2. Mr. Darkness

      Mr. Darkness

      Wow, good luck. That's gotta be a big one.

  22. I know, no need to report him either since he already has been banned for sprint hacks. I just wondered if that was because of nocheat being disabled.
  23. Is nocheat disabled because He got banned by Clavus for Sprinthacks while I had to protect my cows and couldn't upload. This kid vclipped and ran through my entire base.
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