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I've never killed a chicken either. I only hurt animals if they (normally) attack me first. Except that one time I thought there was a wolf on the road, I ran up to him to gave him a sword slash, and then noticed it was a dog with a name.

I'M SORRY DOGGY!!!! (he still lives though)

How come the whole 5 percent of the not-chicken-killers is located on this forum? We are so nice.

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How come the whole 5 percent of the not-chicken-killers is located on this forum? We are so nice.

Well, Skyrim sold around 3.4 million copies. That means, basically, 3.4 million people are playing it. 95% of 3.4 million is approximately 3,200,000. The 5% is 170,000. I highly doubt we count as all the 170k people.

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